A: I just read this message about a man with cancer begging his doctor to euthanize him, but the doctor refused his request. (I just read the news of a man with cancer who asked his doctor to euthanize him, but the doctor refused his request) 1. Example of Agree Disagree Dialogue Performed by 2 people In this conversation, the sentence is about birthday gifts. Two people think it`s a good gift. In the example of the dialogue agreement, 2 people are very good at practicing role-playing, which makes it easier and easier to learn English. Tomi: I`m not sure I agree with you. Let`s see, this week. How about seeing him together in my home? (I`m not sure I agree with you. Let`s see, this week. What if I watched the game together at home?).
A number of examples of the expression of convergence and disagreement conversations as well as the importance of this dialogue, we can assume that Kiara expresses .. A. Agreement B. Disagreements C. Opinion D. Satisfaction TranslationAndy: I received this book from my father. It helped me a lot in math. Zaki: Oh, this book? I have one at home. Sam: Really? I bought it last week. That is my friend`s recommendation. Zaki: Yes. My cousin gave it to me last month.
There are a lot of tips and tricks that help me solve problems faster. Sam: Yes, that`s right! Aldo: Let`s see, Andy. (Andy borrowed the book later). Sam: I think it`s a good book because some of my books are hard to understand. Zaki: You`re right. It`s better than the book I borrowed from our library. Aldo: I don`t think so. I have studied almost every chapter of this book in the library. It`s pretty much the same thing.
Andy: You may be right, the content is almost all the same, but there are a few tips and tricks that really help. Zaki: I agree with Andy. Maybe it`s because I also prefer the language illustrations in this book, so the ones in the library aren`t very interesting. Aldo: Oh, that`s it. I only read it at a glance, so I quickly drew conclusions. These expressions of consent and disagreement are for English brief conversation are taken from: www.english-at-home.com/speaking/agreeing-in-english www.allenglish.org/Activities/activities-agreedisagreeidentifyanswers.html 2 examples of Dialaog Agrree Disagree Played by 3 people This is an example of dialogue agreement and disagreement 3 people are made to accomplish English conversation tasks, especially for those studying in high school and junior high school. In the dialogue on agreements and disagreements, 3 people are cited as an example of an agreement expressing consent and disagreement.. . .