A very important requirement of on-site owners is to effectively inform their tenant of the real estate purchase. Under section 3 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, where the lessor`s interests are transferred, the buyer must inform the lessee in writing of the transfer. The message must contain the name, address and contact information of the owner. This notification must be sent no later than two months after the end of the sale. “This would probably allow for a smoother sale, as you wouldn`t have to do a lot of demonstrations, and there would be a better chance that investors would allow tenants to stay on a fixed-term lease.” It may also be beneficial to talk to a real estate lawyer who can look at your lease to help you understand your rights, tenants` rights, and any legal consequences. I hope you will only read these lines out of curiosity. If the property is offered for sale or if the owner of the house prominently enters the property to a potential buyer during the first 2 months of a contract (including a new contract) and the tenant has not been informed in writing of the proposed sale before the conclusion of the contract, the tenant can terminate the contract by making a notice of intent (form 13) with a period of 2 weeks. Often, when a leased property is sold, the lease continues. . . .